I have a few more books to add to the list as well as blogs and websites that I follow fairly religiously. When I get a few hours I will update this.

“The Paleo Solution”
by Robb Wolf
He has a forum on his website that is free and joinable. Lot’s of information if you are looking for a comprehensive “sciency” type book – but it is still fairly easy to read. He is one of the “founding fathers” of paleo living.
“The Primal Blueprint”
“The Primal Companion”
by Mark Sisson
Excellent resource for all things paleo, primal, and excercise related. Huge, free, and very active forum if you are looking for support or have questions. I personally love Mark…if it were socially acceptable to just claim him as my own I totally would. He is another one of the “founding fathers” of the movement.
“It Starts With Food”
by Melissa and Dallas Hartwig
This is the “everything you need to know” about Whole 30 resource, lots of valuable information, huge free forum, lots of support on the ins and outs of completeing a whole 30 specifically. Beneficial if you are planning on maintaining a very strict paleo diet.
“Practical Paleo”
by Diane Sanfillipo
This site doesn’t have a forum like the others however, it is chock full of information, infographics, some recipes and has a blog as well as podcasts. I personally love this site but, to each their own. She is partnered with www.cavegirleats.com (Liz Wolfe) and they both run the podcast which is fun to listen to. Diane also runs a 21 Day Sugar Detox off of her site. It is currently just an ebook with daily support emails and a facebook support group. She will be releasing the “real book” in December 2013 and it is now available for pre-order.
“The Paleo Diet”
by Dr. Loren Cordain
This guy is the “godfather” of paleo. He literally wrote the book….several in fact…all about the benefits of the paleolithic diet. He also wrote a follow up for “athletes” because their needs (especially in the starchy carb department) are much different than the average hit the gym three times a week person. This is the kind of paleo that Whole30 is based on. Well worth the read, or a website visit.
“Everyday Paleo”
“Paleo Pals”
“Everyday Paleo – Family Cookbook”
by Sarah Fragraso
Everyday Paleo was my first paleo cookbook. I like her and her recipes. Her site is full of recipes broken down by meal type. She also has a paleo subscription service (www.eplifefit.com). I am not totally familiar with it but, I know it has forums, workout advice and cooking advice. I have not signed up for it so I can’t give a lot of details. She is a busy mom of 3 boys (I think 3), she has lost a significant amount of weight and is featured in one of Robb Wolf’s books as a success story. Her book has an entire section dedicated to exercise and exercise modifications to accompany on your journey.
“Eat Like a Dinosaur”
“Beyond Bacon” (not released yet)
by Matt and Stacy Toth
If you have kids this should be one of the go to’s for you. I own the book and love it. My kids love cooking from it. Stacy runs the blog with her husband and they are always putting up new recipes. She posts with the experience have having children and losing significant weight. Lots of information for here for parents of kids with who are struggling with the transition. Stacy is super upfront about her trials and tribulations of converting herself and her family. Love the site, love the book. If it was possible to hug a woman through the internet it would be her.
I have currently only added references for books I have personally read. There are a few other sites which I adore for information regarding paleo/primal living some have or will have books available within the year.  I will add links to the following over the next little while.
The Paleo Mom
Paleo for Women
The Civilized Caveman
The Food Lover’s Primal Palate
The Clothes Make the Girl
Nom Nom Paleo
**I have purchased “Make it Paleo” by The Food Lovers Primal Palate and “Well Fed” by Melissa Joulwan as well – these books are both primarily recipe books and my limited use of them has shown them to be awesome!! I have pre-ordered “Gather” by the Food Lovers Primal Palate and will add them to the list along with the corresponding websites/blogs as soon as I have more time.**

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